Spore Genetics Turkey Tail Liquid Culture Syringe
The Spore Genetics Turkey Tail Liquid Culture Syringe is a top-tier option for cultivating the versatile and medicinally valued Trametes versicolor, commonly known as Turkey Tail mushroom. Also referred to as Coriolus versicolor or Polyporus versicolor,
this mushroom is recognized for its vibrant, multicolored fan-shaped
fruitbodies, which resemble the tail feathers of a turkey.
This syringe contains a live, isolated biological sample that has
been meticulously nurtured, tested, and expanded at Spore Genetics to
ensure it is 100% contaminate-free. The culture syringe features a
high-output isolated sub-strain, optimized for maximum yield and reduced
incubation time. Each purchase includes a sterile, individually
packaged hypodermic needle for easy substrate injection.
Turkey Tail mushrooms thrive on a variety of substrates,
including sterilized hardwood logs, supplemented sawdust blocks,
pasteurized straw, and other cellulose products. Additionally petri
dishes with malt extract agar and dextrose agar, along with spawn
options such as rye berries, millet, oats, and corn are great choices.
For optimal cultivation, Turkey Tail mushrooms require
cooler temperatures. The incubation phase should be maintained at 55°F -
70°F with 80% - 85% humidity for about 16 days. Fruiting occurs at 55°F
- 65°F with higher humidity levels of 90% - 93%, taking approximately
45-60 days to complete. With its extended fruiting period and specific
environmental needs, Turkey Tail is an excellent choice for
growers seeking to cultivate a mushroom known for its potential health
benefits and its role in mycoremediation projects.