Spore Genetics Shiitake 3782 Liquid Culture Syringe
The Spore Genetics Shiitake 3782 Liquid Culture Syringe is a premium choice for cultivating the beloved Lentinula edodes, known for its rich, savory flavor and numerous health benefits. Shiitake
mushrooms are easily recognizable by their umbrella-shaped caps, which
vary from light to dark brown, often featuring a distinctive cracked or
scaly surface. The gills beneath the cap are typically white or
cream-colored, while the stipe (stem) is tough and fibrous.
This syringe contains a live, isolated biological sample,
meticulously nurtured, tested, and expanded at Spore Genetics to ensure
it is 100% contaminate-free. The culture syringe features a high-output
isolated sub-strain, optimized for maximum yield and reduced incubation
time. Each purchase includes a sterile, individually packaged hypodermic
needle for easy substrate injection.
Shiitake mushrooms thrive on various substrates, including
sterilized hardwood logs, supplemented sawdust blocks, pasteurized
straw, and other cellulose products. Additionally petri dishes with malt
extract agar and dextrose agar, along with spawn options such as rye
berries, millet, oats, and corn are great choices.
For optimal growth, Shiitake mushrooms require cold
temperatures, with an incubation temperature of 70°F - 80°F for 12-14
days, followed by fruiting at 55°F - 65°F with humidity levels of 85% -
93%. This species is known for its slow fruiting process and requires
pre-fruit soaking, where the substrate is submerged in clean,
room-temperature water between incubation and fruiting stages to
maximize yield. Due to its intermediate level of difficulty, this
species is best suited for cultivators with some experience and a solid
understanding of mushroom cultivation. With a pinning time of 4-10 days
and a total fruiting time of 14-18 days, the Shiitake 3782 mushroom is a rewarding choice for those up to the challenge.